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Learning About Dos and Donts After a Stroke

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For many people, stroke often proves to be a life-changing event. Hence, taking specific measures and making positive adjustments is critical to enhancing recovery and lowering the risk of future strokes. That is particularly true for elderly sufferers.

Do you need a tip or two on how to achieve so? SERENITY ESTATE HOME CARE, a tried-and-true provider of comprehensive care in Bethesda, Maryland, might just have the information you require!

Here are some dos and don’ts to consider after experiencing a stroke:

  • Comply with medical advice: Ensure to follow the directions and recommendations of your healthcare providers, including medications, lifestyle adjustments, and therapy sessions. Some may even recommend home care services, such as skilled nursing.
  • Address risk factors: See to it that you monitor and manage underlying medical conditions such as high blood pressure, diabetes, high cholesterol, and atrial fibrillation. Take prescription medications as directed and schedule routine checkups with your healthcare providers.
  • Don’t disregard warning signs and symptoms: Recognize stroke warning indicators such as sudden weakness, trouble speaking, visual issues, and severe headache. Consult medical professionals right away if you notice any of them.
  • Don’t overwork yourself with physical activities: While exercise is necessary, avoid pushing yourself to limits or participating in activities beyond your physical boundaries unless you have expert supervision.

Let us know should you have any questions about this or our palliative care services!

You can also take advantage of a quality hospice care program with us!

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